I am thrilled to report that The H-Factor, A Business Guide to Positive Psychology, How Happiness Will Improve Your Bottom Line and Help Your Organization Thrive is finally ready for sale. Two years ago on a family golf vacation, my sister-in-law, Lola Komisin Mason, Ed.D, Director of Organizational Development at Carnegie Mellon University introduced me to the science of happiness. I was immediately intrigued with the research and scientific basis for why some people are happier than others, why positive emotion is important and what actually makes people happier. Some of the findings were counter intuitive to me at first. One day while reading some research linking productivity and levels of happiness, it became clear to me that every business leader, manager, supervisor, owner and employee could benefit from the happiness research. After letting that idea roll around in my head for a few weeks and with some encouragement from my friend Susan Bixler, President and CEO of Bixler Consulting, I decided I needed to write The H-Factor. My goal was to write a book that was concise, easy to read, and give readers some tools for increasing their own happiness levels. Any comments are welcome and appreciated.